August 19, 2008

Leaving New Jersey........

Wow -

My very first official blog!!

So most of you know I've been here in lovely Lebanon, NJ on a project with a pharma company since June 11th, 2007. So here I sit in my room in the Crowne Plaza in Somerset, NJ on my last evening here. I went to dinner with the girls at Chelsea's for my last hoo-rah, and ironically there were fireworks (I'd like to think it was a big send off celebration for me - but anyhoo) reflecting on my time here I thought I would make a list of things I will miss and NOT miss about NJ.

Things I will miss about Jersey:

  • All my IBM girlfriends on this project: Maribel, Donna, Suzanne and Yaz
  • Maribel's laugh and her facial expressions - they are priceless, she could never play poker (well she could play but she wouldn't be very good at it - ha)
  • Donna's funny travel stories, our "smarmy sightings", our crafting talks and the active, fun things she does in her fine state of Utah
  • Suzanne and her "6 second delay", her pirate outfit and our "Daily IM off's"
  • Yaz and her "toothbrush"
  • Giovianni's Pizza (yes it's that thin crust NY style - mmmmmmm - scrumptious!)
  • The fact that on NJ Highways Semi's cannot drive in the left hand lane.....
  • The Crown Plaza and the free cheeses in the concierge lounge (haha - free cheese)
  • The gate man at Hertz that sees me on my way each Monday
  • My "Pink Salad" at Kirsten's
  • Playing putt-putt and kicking my friend Donna's booty!
  • The fact that I'm just a hop-skip-and-a-jump from NYC
  • King's grocery stores
  • The landscape and scenery in the fall....
  • My dry ass turkey sandwich on my Continental flight back to OKC
  • Watching travelers try and grab the last BOLTED IN plastic tray from the cart before going into security at the Newark airport (I tell you it's HILARIOUS)
  • My 3 guaranteed good items from the work cafeteria: (1) Tuna Sammich (2) Turkey Club (3) Grilled Cheese ooooooo yeah and topped with Homemade Flik Chips
Things I will NOT miss about Jersey:
  • NEWARK AIRPORT - I think in the 1000 flights I took out of this airport, I MAYBE was on time like twice
  • Newark Airport bathrooms - any of them - ugh - nasty
  • Donna stealing my identity (hahahahahahahahaha)
  • The fact that drivers would rather rip your bumper off your car or kill you than let you over on the highway
  • Guidos - please refer to

Gee - you know it's funny, when I arrived in NJ I thought there were way more things I didn't like about it. But now that I'm leaving I see that there were many more things about Jersey that I loved.......::tear:: Oh and notice most things I'll miss are food related (ha)

So goodbye Joisey - I will truly miss you......

Not Pictured - Maribel (she hates her picture taken), Moi, Suzanne, Donna & Yaz


Parisjasmal said...

Hooray Amy has a blog!

I know what you mean about hurry up and wait when it comes to flights. ACK--travel is so frustrating these days.

I have not spent much time in Joisey, but what I do know is that Atlantic City is not my place. EEEKS.

OK--now you need to get a job in Chicago so you can travel here!!

Looking forward to reading your stuff!

On the Go Amy said...

OMG girl......I just now read your comment - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm new to all this bloggin' stuff so I've now enabled a trigger email when I get a comment - so if you leave one in the future hopefully I won't miss it!!

Bad blogger, bad blogger I am!!!
